This tutorial series focuses on different parts of game development.
You will learn:
- How to use a singleton.
- Creating custom inputs and user-defined signals.
- How to create a Player who can move, turn and attack.
- How to create enemies that can move, turn and attack a target.
- Common attack and health system.
- Create a simple user interface
- GUI Skinning (Themes)
- Connecting the interface with game code.
- Create a simple main menu.
Tutorial #1: Creating the Player
Tutorial 1/5
This tutorial will focus on creating a basic game structure and player character. The player character can be controlled with keys and rotated with the mouse.
Tutorial #2: Adding Enemies and Shooting
Tutorial 2/5
In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple enemy that can move. We will also implement a simple but dynamic shooting system that can be shared by different scripts.
Tutorial #3: Collision Layers/Masks and Health System
Tutorial 3/5
Collision layers and collision masks can be confusing at first. In this tutorial, both of them will be used to make the bullets collide with specific layers. We will also implement a dynamic health system.
Tutorial #4: Health Kits, Bullet Hits
Tutorial 4/5
We’re going to be adding health kits to the game now. We will also get the bullets to do something now.
Tutorial #5: GUI and Theming
Tutorial 5/5
A simple, but functional GUI will be created in this tutorial.